March 22, 2024 | Trisha Smith

Increase Your Profits and Save Time with Presstek’s DI Digital Offset Press Line



In the fast-paced world of printing, businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, enhance quality, and maximize profitability. The Presstek DI Digital Offset Press line stands out as a revolutionary solution, designed to address these very needs through state-of-the-art automation, unparalleled quality, speed, and consistency.


Unmatched Automation and Quality

The Presstek DI presses redefine what is possible in the printing industry. These machines are engineered for those who demand excellence in every print job, ensuring that each piece is a testament to the highest standards of quality. With automation at its core, the Presstek DI line simplifies the printing process, reducing setup times and allowing for quicker turnarounds without compromising the output’s quality. This means you can take on more projects, respond faster to client demands, and still maintain the exceptional quality that sets your business apart.

Speed and Consistency: The Core of Presstek DI Presses

Speed in printing no longer means rushing through jobs at the expense of quality. The Presstek DI Digital Offset Presses are designed to maintain a consistent output at high speeds, ensuring that each print is as good as the last. This consistency is crucial for businesses that pride themselves on delivering superior products to their clients. With Presstek DI presses, you are not just investing in a machine; you are investing in the reputation of your business.

Mark Andy’s Industry Leadership

Mark Andy, a renowned name in the printing industry, delivers these advanced Presstek DI Digital Offset Presses. Their industry leadership and commitment to quality mean that when you choose a Presstek DI press, you are backed by a legacy of excellence. This partnership ensures that you have access to not only top-tier technology but also unparalleled support and service.

The Value of the Included Starter Kit and Turnkey Service

Every Presstek DI Digital Offset Press comes with an included starter kit valued at $5,000, ensuring that you have everything you need to begin producing high-quality work right away. Moreover, the turnkey service offered with these presses means that from installation to your first print run, the process is seamless. This level of support is designed to minimize downtime and get your operations up and running as quickly as possible, further enhancing your ability to save time and increase profits.


The Presstek DI Digital Offset Press line represents a significant leap forward for the printing industry. By combining automation, speed, and consistent high quality, these presses offer a unique opportunity for businesses to enhance their capabilities, improve efficiency, and significantly increase their bottom line. Coupled with the industry leadership of Mark Andy and the value-added starter kit and turnkey service, investing in a Presstek DI press is more than just purchasing a machine; it is making a strategic decision to elevate your printing business to the next level.